4/20 And The Smoke In Boulder

Last 4/20 there was a mass plume of smoke above Boulder.  You could see it from ten miles away.  It wasn’t from the annual pot smoking celebration at CU’s Ferrand Field, it was from the forest fire behind my house.

Boulder Red Rocks Fire

I hiked up yesterday to see how the area was healing.  Pretty interesting how both quickly and slowly the area is repairing itself.

Red Rocks Fire

    The fire ripped through this, my favorite spot in Boulder.
The fire ripped through this, my favorite spot in Boulder.





4 responses to “4/20 And The Smoke In Boulder”

  1. Chris Bucchere Avatar

    Cheap click through! I thought this article was about something else entirely. 😛

  2. Grant Avatar

    Really love both of those photos – awesomeness!

  3. Chris Bucchere Avatar

    Cheap click through! I thought this article was about something else entirely. 😛

  4. Grant Avatar

    Really love both of those photos – awesomeness!

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