First Day in Austin

So my first day in Austin… rocked. What a cool city. I can see myself spending a lot of time here.


The house I am staying at is pretty dreamy. It reminds me of the cabin I helped build in Alaska. Wood floor, ceiling and walls. The beams in the ceiling are at least 14′ and are continuous, a sign of what the lumber supply used to be.

I saw Virb today for the first time. It is about time someone did the social networking thing right! Looks beautiful. I was feeling a bit bad for the world of design with MySpace being so huge, with no real designed alternative. I saw a list of bands playing this week at SXSW, and all, and I mean all had their MySpace pages listed. No real website to be found. Next year I think over half of the bands will be using Virb and not MySpace. I can hope.

I love taking photos at dusk. What little light is to be had gives you what it has got. In the height of the day you through out a bunch of light, but at those last few moments after a sunset, every beam is cherished.

Brick... Brick... Night Photog







4 responses to “First Day in Austin”

  1. hubs Avatar

    they don’t call it the magic hour for nothin’. have fun, be safe.

  2. Kath Avatar

    Sweet new design!

    I checked out Virb…very cool.

  3. Austin Self Storage Avatar

    Hi there.. I had just subscribed to your super low tech rss feed, its because we had the same interest, like taking photos on dawn time, having a lot of fun through troubled times and enjoying each and every moment of our lives.. so I guess it will be great to hang out on your blog…

  4. Trægulve Avatar

    wow great design, very nice

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