My Goals for 2008, and Review of 2007

I didn’t set any goals last year, and I achieved every one of them.

I didn’t achieve any I didn’t set as well.

2007 was a huge year for me. The beginning of the year had me finish up a contract with Confluence Commons, work on Endoze Design a bit more and finally fold a company that I had spent a year building, Politics by Design. I went to SXSWi, which changed my views on the tech community. After SXSW, the only thought that crossed my mind was “it’s the community stupid.” I decided to take most of the year off and really listen to the tech community. I subscribed to over 300 blogs, read the paper, New Yorker, and attended every tech meetup I could find (and even started my own event).

I lived up to a lifelong dream of doing work for Widen + Kennedy (an experimental interface design). They did the California Raisins commercials, which I credit to being my first real introduction to how design can cause emotion. I loved those damn things, and I love that I got to work with them. I also did some work with the amazing Interaction Design (Matt Walsh is the most impressive interaction designer I have ever met) department at Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Both agencies do amazing work and taught me lessons that far outside of design, interaction and usability.

I was able to spend an amazing summer in Boulder, working out of the TechStars office (which is an unbelievably good program if you are thinking about applying).

I then got hit by this thing called Startup Weekend, which has taken up the majority of my time since the first weekend. I was able to have some good friends move to Boulder, and develop some amazing relationships as well.

I love where I live, it puts a smile on my face every morning.

I have had an amazingly good year. With such an amazing community around me, it is really hard to complain.

My 2008 Goals:

  • Describe what I do better (I make stuff… and get people together… and drink coffee…)
  • Learn to Love Email
  • Plan a Few Parties
  • Build My Dream
  • Create a Short Film
  • Build on Weight Loss Success
  • Connect with More Great People
  • Love and Learn
  • Blog About Meaningful Topics
  • Volunteer More





2 responses to “My Goals for 2008, and Review of 2007”

  1. Emily Avatar

    I was reading up more on your blog and found this little write-up. I like some of your goals for 2008. I like that they are goals and not “New Year’s Resolutions”. Goals seem like something more achievable than resolutions. Plus, I never keep my New Year’s resolutions but do try to accomplish the goals I set. I’ll volunteer with you some time. I feel weird not doing it in Boulder since I have done it full time for the last 2 years.

    ok all for now…

  2. Alisha D Herron Avatar
    Alisha D Herron

    nice article! nice site. you're in my rss feed now 😉
    keep it up

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