BarCamp Boulder III

BarCamp is an amazing event.  When planning Boulder’s third BarCamp (which will take place in two weekends, October 17-18th), I was asked many times what it is.  From the website:

BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from participants.

For me the best way to capture just what barcamp is would be to think of a gathering of bright tech minds that are are engaged in passionate conversations in a small conference like setting.  BarCamp has the ‘rule of two feet’ that dictates ‘if you are not enjoying the conversation you are in, use your two feet to leave and start one of your own.’

BarCamp changed my professional life.

Joe Pezzillo first introduced me to the concept.  He was on the local radio station, KGNU, talking about how random the meeting can be.  Attending my first BarCamp (it was in Denver) I was blown away by the people that attended.  It was the first time I heard of people working passionately in small tech startups.  They loved what they did.  I wanted to find out how they did it, and spend the next three months meeting and expanding my Boulder network.

So what should you expect:

Date: October 17-18

Time: Friday 6-9ish Saturday 9-5ish.  Denver has their famous Zombie Crawl that all attendees are encouraged to attend.

Where: 1375 Walnut Street in Downtown Boulder.  Parking is free in the parking garages around for Saturday.

Friday is a meet and greet.  Saturday is presentations and conversations.  The whole schedule is up to the community.

Pitching fake companies

What we need:

  1. Spread the word!  Tell all your friends.
  2. RSVP here.
  3. If you would like to sponsor, you can at $100, $250 and $500 levels.  All the $ will go to food and costs associated with the event (I am throwing in $100).  Send me an email if you would like to buy the community a beer- [email protected].
  4. Make sure to attend!  Joe had to twist my arm to get me to come, and I am in turn twisting your arm.  Do not miss this event.

My favorite line from the BarCamp model: “Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one. This is called sharing and we like it.”






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