Boulder Creative Commons Tomorrow

Just a quick reminder that the BCC is tomorrow at Slice of Lime (new office location at 1216 Pearl Street, #200).

The idea simply to get the creatives around the area together to talk, share and drink/play. In many ways this event was a precursor to Startup Weekend. Kevin Menzie will be the host and I will be there to take pictures and talk away.

Invite your friends! See you at 5:30.






5 responses to “Boulder Creative Commons Tomorrow”

  1. Darrin Dickey Avatar
    Darrin Dickey


    Not trying to be snarky, but it might help if you included your name somewhere in the post or post header. I'm new here and have no clue who you are. 🙂

  2. Pete Laurina Avatar
    Pete Laurina

    @Darrin: Welcome to SW. His name is Ray Angel. There's a blog on the main page of SW yesterday (two below this one) from Andrew announcing Ray to the world.

  3. Lance Weatherby Avatar
    Lance Weatherby

    I am old here and I have no idea who you are. Though anyone from Bloomington can't be all bad.

  4. shuaben Avatar

    I also open a blog foucs on start up in China, “>
    Glad to see many persons in this area!

  5. shuaben Avatar

    I also open a blog foucs on start up in China, “>
    Glad to see many persons in this area!

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