Knight News Challenge 2008

Susan Mernit asked me to be a News Challenge Screener for the Knight News Challenge. My first thought was ‘huh?’ My seccond thought was ‘no way!’ My third though was ‘this program is really, really cool.”

So what is this?

the $5 million Knight initiative to fund digitally innovative ideas in local news delivery

It is through the Knight Foundation and is a grant of sorts for an idea that is a) digital b) good for the community c) targeted on an actual area and d) innovative.

Pretty simple eh?

Here is a video of my travel. I am starting to try to love editing and shooting video (so this is bad, but I plan on making them better as time goes on).

Knight News Foundation 2008 from Andrew on Vimeo.

The pannelists are awesome, and include

David Cohn
Brian Oberkirch
Chris Messina
Beth Kanter
Kristen Taylor
and many, many more.
Great folks looking to give money to innovative ideas. Check out the Garage to meet cofounders and build upon your ideas!
I’m telling you about it. Tell your friends that you think need to know.
By knowing me, I can’t judge your application (just be aware of that). Feel free to ask me any questions, it is really a great program!





One response to “Knight News Challenge 2008”

  1. […] In attendance were some of my favorite people on the web, David Cohn, Brian Oberkirch, Chris Messina, Beth Kanter, Kristen Taylor, Susan Mernit, George Kelly and many, many others.  I met up this group in San Francisco earlier this year. […]

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