My SXSW Panel Picker

Great Panel on Marketing (is not marketing)

Here are some friends panels that I am looking forward to seeing.  Mine are:

Happiness (or Not) In Startups


You and Your LOLcat’s Mom Sucks


Web 3.1: The Humorous Race To World Domination

Others that are +++ in my mind:

David Cohen: Startup Funding Rethought- Beyond Bootstrapping, Angel, VC

Rana June: One Thousand Empty Aeron Chairs: How Startups Spend

Marucus Nelson -Social Influence: Empowering Your Customer

Tara Hunt: Making Whuffie: Raising Social Capital in Online Communities

Michael Sutton: The Student 2.0 Revolution

Sally (@BizGirl) Strebel: 5 Common Misperceptions of Technological Creativity

Steve Swedler: How Social Networks Are Killing the Revolution

Dave Taylor: How to Screw Up Your Online Reputation

Jackie Peters: Beyond Social Media: Introducing Social Communications

Sally over at has a great post with some targeted panels.

What did I miss?





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