My Take On Demo Day

I work at TechStars (a business accelerator of sorts) and today was a big day.  It was Demo Day for TechStars was today, and the teams exceeded all my expectations.

I will make some time tonight to put my thoughts on each company.  Until then, I will link to the very well written reviews of the bloggers in attendence.

This summer was the quickest of my life.  I saw many beautiful sunrises on the ride home from the office.

To the teams: you are amazing.  Smart, funny, and always working to be the best they can.

My here is Steve Prefontaine.  One of my favorite quotes from Steve is “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

Today, we saw 10 2008 TechStars Companies present, not sacraficing any of the gifts they have.


Boulder TechStars Demo Day 2008 Boulder TechStars Demo Day 2008 Boulder TechStars Demo Day 2008 Boulder TechStars Demo Day 2008 Boulder TechStars Demo Day 2008





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