On The Road


To Houston today, another Startup Weekend. I have the weekend off next week and would love to catch the Broncos game (anyone know a good way to get tickets?).







16 responses to “On The Road”

  1. jenn Avatar

    Congrats Ray.

  2. Cesar Torres Avatar
    Cesar Torres

    Hi Ray. Don't fuck this up.

  3. Anthony Stevens Avatar
    Anthony Stevens

    Congratulations Ray! You have a tough act to follow, but you also inherit a huge community of fans of the Startup Weekend concept.

    Andrew: here's hoping your next project(s) are as exciting as Startup Weekend!

  4. Matthew Wettergreen Avatar
    Matthew Wettergreen

    Congratulations Ray, good luck running the second chapter of Startup Weekend

  5. Kevin Menzie Avatar
    Kevin Menzie

    Congrats Ray! Looking forward to seeing what's ahead for Startup Weekend

  6. deb lavoy Avatar
    deb lavoy

    I'm a huge startup weekend fan – congrats, and let us know how we can be supportive.

  7. Jeff the Great Avatar
    Jeff the Great

    congrats, and welcome!

    Who will be attending PDX startup weekend? Both of you, I hope!

  8. Pete Laurina Avatar
    Pete Laurina

    Congrats Ray, I'll be looking forward to meeting you in person one day. Boulder's ready for number 3 whenever you are.

  9. Tyler Willis Avatar
    Tyler Willis

    Cool news, congrats Ray – Good Luck with continuing the forward momentum!

  10. Dan Harris Avatar
    Dan Harris

    I look forward to meeting you at the Columbus SW later this year.

  11. wayne sutton Avatar
    wayne sutton

    Congrats Ray, hope to see you soon in NC

  12. Curtis Avatar

    Congratulations Ray… come visit us in Birmingham where startups ARE our true passion! Would love to share a bit about our successes with you and see what you think.

  13. Kevin Avatar

    Congrats, Ray! I guess this means there will be Fort Wayne SW after all.

  14. matthewvb Avatar

    welcome aboard! looking forward to seeing SW continue on its great path!

  15. michaelcummings Avatar

    awesome news! congrats to goth Andrew and Ray for both making moves that will further benefit each other. I look forward to see where Ray can Startup Weekend. Congrats to Andrew on the position at TechStars.

  16. Samantha Murphy Avatar
    Samantha Murphy

    SMtvMusic.com hopes to continue to send a different artist to each city to perform for the entrepreneurs.

    Congrats Ray and I look forward to meeting you!

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