Retro Encabulator For Sale by a Bad Client

Two thoughts for the day:

Can you pitch a product like the Retro Encabulator?

Is this how your company looks at vendors or designers?  It makes you look like an idiot:

Finally, this is the best ad I’ve seen in a long long time:

Buy, buy, buy, buy!






4 responses to “Retro Encabulator For Sale by a Bad Client”

  1. charlieok Avatar

    These are fantastic

  2. Sully Avatar

    Nice finds Hyde, watching that vendor-client piece was cathartic.

  3. George G Smith Jr Avatar

    The Vendor-Client piece is AMAZING. I get sick to my stomach when I witness those kind of things happening at the corporate level. Very nice!

  4. George G Smith Jr Avatar

    The Vendor-Client piece is AMAZING. I get sick to my stomach when I witness those kind of things happening at the corporate level. Very nice!

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