SocialThing! Acquired

I am very excited to hear that SocialThing! was acquired by AOL.

SocialThing! was a 2007 TechStars team.

I remember meeting Matt, Ben and Brian at the first night of TechStars.  Here is a picture of them:


Things I will always remember about the three founders:

Ben: I played around 200 games of ping pong with Ben.  It was a great release for both of us, going directly back to work with the rush it gave.  Ben also had an amazing ability to fall asleep in his chair, and was featured on BoingBoing one day doing so.

Brian: Some of the best matched humor I will ever hear from someone.  Brian and I would talk late into the night about music and trends.  He was there for the launch of Startup Weekend late one day at the office, poring me a glass of horrible red wine to celebrate.

Matt: Has an amazing ability to get into a room with the right people.  If there was a hostage situation, and the only way to save a life was to be in the room, I would call Matt and ask him to email some friends to get the intro.  I love Matt’s passion for gadgets, and am amazed by all the people he has run across.

Congrats to the team, now, time for you all to take me out to dinner.

Read all the coverage from around the web.







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