TechStars Teams Present at Mountain View

Today 12 TechStars teams are presenting to a group of around 150 investors in Mountain View California at the beautiful Microsoft campus.  Here is the under 5 word description of the companies, because I know you are just dying to have things oversimpliefied.

Ignighter– Group to group online dating

Devver– Tools for ruby hackers

Foodzie– Artisan food marketplace

Travelfli– Frequent flier dashboard (reward travel)

Gyminee– Fitness application and social network

Intense Debate– Streamlined commenting plugin

Filtrbox– Google alerts done right

Artist Exploder– Band management for FaceBook

Brightkite– Location based social network

OccipitalPhotoSynth for everyone (jaw-> drop)

App-X– Helps you manage venture funds

EventVue– Makes conferences kick more ass

I’m very excited to see the teams present today, should be a huge day for all of the TechStars.


One response to “TechStars Teams Present at Mountain View”

  1. […] wrote a less than five sentence description of all the companies last year, and will do the same this […]

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