US Flight Patterns by Aaron Koblin

Very interesting data visualization of US flight patterns.

US Flight Patterns

Very interesting what DEN looks like (I fly in quite a bit and am very familiar with all the options). Interesting flight patterns.

DEN Flight Pattern

All from Aaron Koblin very well done.  I remember seeing this animation and didn’t connect the work to him until today.





5 responses to “US Flight Patterns by Aaron Koblin”

  1. Noah Larsen Avatar

    This one is pretty good from Jer Thorp. He searches and maps “Just Landed In…” tweets from the Tweeter.

  2. Jen Yu Avatar

    If you like seeing flight patterns, I suggest going to the planetarium on the CU Boulder campus and seeing their Science on a Sphere exhibit in the lobby. It's awesome. One of the views shows flight traffic in motion across the globe, which just blows your mind. Very cool!

  3. gist Avatar

    The patterns coming in/out of DIA is different, in its angle from other airports due to the thinness of the air.. if you were curious. It's a pretty difficult airport to land and take off at, the plane as to land and take of at top speeds so that enough air gets over the wing.

    aaand thats all… if you care, or assuming you didn't know…

  4. anwith1n Avatar

    Pretty cool – thanks for sharing. Not too many direct flights in and out of San Antonio (surprise, surprise). I won't be flying directly for Christmas either unfortunately. No directs between New Orleans and San Antonio 🙂

  5. anwith1n Avatar

    Pretty cool – thanks for sharing. Not too many direct flights in and out of San Antonio (surprise, surprise). I won't be flying directly for Christmas either unfortunately. No directs between New Orleans and San Antonio 🙂

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