2009 5430 Sprint Triathlon Race Report

TriI did my first triathlon today! The 5430 (elevation of Boulder) Sprint Triathlon at the Boulder Reservoir.

First off: that was fun. I’ve been training since January 1 so I felt strong and happy the entire way. Well, at least until the last half a mile when I said to myself ‘sprint you bigass runner.’ I passed ten people in the last hundred yards and 100% without any second thoughts did the ‘I just won the race arm pump’ at the finish line.

Yep, one of those days.

A sprint triathlon is roughly a half mile swim, 18 mile bike ride and a 5k run. The swim is what everyone generally fears. This was my first one, didn’t really know what to expect.

If someone knows how I started to think this was a good idea, please let me know. Funny how randomly addicted I have become.

My splits were:

Swim: 17:47
Trans 1: 2:25
Bike: 52.23
Trans 2: 1:15
Run: 26:47
Total: 1:40:35
Rank: 18/58 in the Clydesdale division

The swim was slower, as it was my first open water swim and I zig zaged and ran into people a bit more than I would like to admit. I took all the corners really well. Wasn’t too tired after. Felt really good about it.

The bike was fun until about the halfway mark, when I heard a little ‘tink’ and then felt my left cleat on the bike go really loose. At the end of the race I found that two of the three screws holding it onto my shoe were missing. I was scared of this happening, and didn’t do any pulling on the upstroke. I was passed by a fair about of bikes worth more than my car, and was alright with that.

The run was steady. I passed Rich (who had passed me on the bike). He was taking it really slow after injuring himself in the 120 day challenge. I started kicking at half a mile and has a super fast finish. Kick ass for finishing the run Rich, pushing through injury is tough!

The user experience of the non race frankly sucked. My race time was 1:40, and my time waiting for things like getting marked, getting a drink and banana after the race and waiting for the restroom took 1:45.

Yeah, I spent more time waiting for logistics than it took me to race 22 miles. This drives me nuts. If you have 1600 athletes coming through a line, perhaps you should have more than one table and three staffers. Just sayin.

I also saw quite a few tech folks out there.

So now is gut check time. Half Ironman distance or not. I guess I will have to see how I feel tomorrow as I get in touch with some coaches.






19 responses to “2009 5430 Sprint Triathlon Race Report”

  1. David cohen Avatar
    David cohen


  2. amyc Avatar

    love that you're feeling great and getting addicted. tris introduced me to the world of the outdoors more than anything else… so psyched for you. here's to training for the oly and the half. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. lmckeogh Avatar

    Check out Boulder Aquatic Master (@BAMswimteam ) open water swims each T/Th morning. They have a beginner session Thursday mornings that should aid with sighting and navigating. It also helps getting comfortable in the open water.

    Dealing with the lines is something you have to go through. Next time bring your own marker and bypass it all.

    Sounds like you had a great race and a good time which is more than I could say for my first.

    Keep it up!

  4. Ginger Avatar

    congratulations – sounds great

  5. Jan Kabili Avatar
    Jan Kabili

    How awesome that you did this!

  6. bfeld Avatar


  7. BrackenC Avatar

    Way to go! Sounds like you had a really good time. Impressive placing for your first one. Rock on!

  8. Chris Browne Avatar
    Chris Browne

    Congrats ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice work on your transitions, I think I spent around 8 mins in transition during my first Sprint!

  9. tarable Avatar

    Glad I was (randomly) there to cheer you on at the finish! You looked great and should be proud of yourself.

  10. andrewhyde Avatar

    Thanks! It was fun to see familiar faces, when you are tired, it means a ton.

    Looks like you were having fun with the kiddos!

  11. andrewhyde Avatar

    They felt fast. Both times I left my area thinking 'I must still be wearing my helmet' or forgetting something major.

    Now, off to longer distances?

  12. andrewhyde Avatar

    Thanks Bracken! Thanks for all the training runs, it sure helped!

  13. andrewhyde Avatar

    Thanks! Remember last year when I was asking how the hell you ran more than a mile?

    I caught the bug.

  14. andrewhyde Avatar

    Thanks Jan!

  15. andrewhyde Avatar


    The big line in the morning was getting a timing chip. You had to find your line, with your bike in tow, to get checked out.

    Will do some of the open water swims!

  16. andrewhyde Avatar

    Oh yeah, many miles yet to come!

    Mesa sometime this week?

  17. andrewhyde Avatar


  18. Mom :) Avatar
    Mom ๐Ÿ™‚

    Way cool, Bud!
    Love you!

  19. Mom :) Avatar
    Mom ๐Ÿ™‚

    Way cool, Bud!
    Love you!

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