Help Needed with the WordPress Groups Plugin

I’ve written about bottoms up leadership before, and am working on ways to make this easier.

Many times I plan an event, say Startup Weekend, and use quite a few services to do so.  I’m fine with it, but it makes the process monumental.

I would love to help build a plugin where the major common functions of planning are covered.  To me, these are:

  1. Be able to post about the event, time, details, etc (this is done by a post)
  2. Be able to collect information (RSVP) with custom fields
  3. Be able to email attendees (or tweet them) at several occasions
  4. Send out emails upon sign up
  5. Be able to publicly display the names of attendees with links to their comments on the site
  6. Have a countdown to the event
  7. Create embeddable buttons for other sites

Join the Google Group if you are interested.






5 responses to “Help Needed with the WordPress Groups Plugin”

  1. thompsa6 Avatar

    Have you considered looking into alternatives to Word Press? Seems like plugin management could turn into a headache and a bit of a hackish way to accomplish what you want to achieve.

    I work for the Boulder startup HiveLive and our platform sounds perfect for what you are trying to accomplish. Instead of point solutions: blogs, wikis, calendars, etc. our platform provides building blocks or legos to allow you to build what you need. We also provide pre-packaged solutions/patterns so that if you want a simple blog, wiki, forum, etc. it is easy to plug and play. But as you outgrow the needs of the pre-packaged stuff you can peal back the layers and customize it to your hearts content.

    Let me know if you are interested and I can get you a demo space to play around with.


  2. andrewhyde Avatar

    I'm interested in building something open source. HiveLive is great, but not available to the average event organizer.

    What is a license go for, $6k a month?

  3. thompsa6 Avatar

    I'm not sure about our license costs. I can look into that though. I'd love to meet up when you get back and see if we could work something out.

    I totally understand the desire for an open source software solution. I'm an open source guy myself and have experienced both the joys and pains of OSS. If you feel like a more in depth read from me on that check this out: (a quick read)

    The benefit of a solution like HiveLive is that as this space evolves there is a very tangible concept of open source design. With this new mental model the software/code falls into the background and what becomes open source are the design patterns being created by the community for different types of blogs, wikis, product idea centers, support forums, event management hives, etc. Pretty exciting stuff actually.

  4. thompsa6 Avatar

    I'm not sure about our license costs. I can look into that though. I'd love to meet up when you get back and see if we could work something out.

    I totally understand the desire for an open source software solution. I'm an open source guy myself and have experienced both the joys and pains of OSS. If you feel like a more in depth read from me on that check this out: (a quick read)

    The benefit of a solution like HiveLive is that as this space evolves there is a very tangible concept of open source design. With this new mental model the software/code falls into the background and what becomes open source are the design patterns being created by the community for different types of blogs, wikis, product idea centers, support forums, event management hives, etc. Pretty exciting stuff actually.

  5. thompsa6 Avatar

    I'm not sure about our license costs. I can look into that though. I'd love to meet up when you get back and see if we could work something out.

    I totally understand the desire for an open source software solution. I'm an open source guy myself and have experienced both the joys and pains of OSS. If you feel like a more in depth read from me on that check this out: (a quick read)

    The benefit of a solution like HiveLive is that as this space evolves there is a very tangible concept of open source design. With this new mental model the software/code falls into the background and what becomes open source are the design patterns being created by the community for different types of blogs, wikis, product idea centers, support forums, event management hives, etc. Pretty exciting stuff actually.

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