Links From This Week

What I have been reading or think is interesting for this week:

Is It Stupid to Trust Twitter Apps With Your Password?


Facebook Is No Friend of

Lawsuit against

Is “look and feel” copyrightable?

Great analysis on copyright terms of look and feel.

Why your web startup will fail

Fantastic post.

Who Owns Your Great Idea?

Colleges and universities obtained fewer than 250 patents a year before 1980, when the Bayh-Dole Act gave them ownership of inventions developed through federally financed research. Now they acquire about 3,000 a year, according to the Association of University Technology Managers, whose members work in tech transfer offices. In 2006, association members made $45 billion from licensing fees and equity in spinoff companies; research powerhouses like Stanford and New York University made $61 million and $157 million, respectively.

Who Saw The Housing Bubble Coming?

Some forecasters were prescient; financial leaders weren’t.

Aurora Borealis

From Itivinguaq Greenland. I’ve seem them once in Alaska, a phenomenal experience.

Who knew there was a Perhaps they can make their site usable.

Time travel happens all the time

Time travel happens all the time… kinda.

Why We Keep Falling for Financial Scams –

Psychologist Stephen Greenspan explores why investors continue to be swindled — and how he came to lose part of his savings to Bernard Madoff.

Four Ways for Detroit to Save Itself

Here are four technologies that have the potential to improve energy efficiency, cut down on accidents, reduce pollution and make commuting more convenient.

What Happened to Vick’s Dogs

10 really intimate photos with the owners of the former Vick dogs.

An Oral History of the Bush White House: Politics & Power:

Really well put together piece.

Twitter and the Password Anti-Pattern

Solution for the twitter worms is being smart about the passwords

My Life List

Life list startup.

Facebook v. Power Ventures

Facebook filed eight legal complaints in United States federal court against Power Ventures, operators of social aggregator Facebook claims Power collected Facebook usernames and passwords, stored Facebook data on their servers, used the Facebook trademark without license, sent e-mails posing as Facebook, and knowingly circumvented Facebook’s attempts to block access.

2008: my year of living smaller

Great read about living smaller.

Managing the Facebookers

Social Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneur Hotels, Y-Combinator, and Dead VCs

Interesting article rebutting the point that the incubator model is going away.

Satellite Radio Still Reaches for the Payday –

Deep debt, including Howard Stern’s $500 million contract, is causing Sirius XM Radio big worries despite growing revenue and subscriptions.

Twitter Security Collapses; Obama, Fox and Britney Accounts Hacked

Days after a wave of phishing attacks fooled thousands of Twitter users, it appears that another security hole has been found by…someone.

How to run: It’s not as easy as you think – Features, Health & Wellbeing – The Independent

A writer learns to run.

Freedom to Tinker | Hosted by Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy






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