Krabi and the Art of Staying Put

So often you find yourself just going. You travel to a place, see the sights, have a meal or two and then take off, going to somewhere else to repeat.

Every once in a while, you stay put. It is an art of sorts. You just stop. Collect your thoughts. Plan ahead. Get your laundry done. Go back to a restaurant and eat the same meal.

I don’t do it often enough. I was planning on staying about six hours in Krabi, Thailand and got sucked in. The first day was horrible, but the next few days sucked me in and have been nothing short of amazing.

You do this, and you start getting back that childlike wonder that really is the core to why we remind ourselves to travel.

Railay Beach is just incredible. One of my favorites, if not my favorite, ocean spot. A few pictures:


So I’m sitting for a bit. Relaxing. Getting a few massages, going swimming, running and generally zoning out.

Where to next? Nepal, India or a whole more lot of this, not quite sure. I spent the morning running through a Buddhist camping area. Flow.






3 responses to “Krabi and the Art of Staying Put”

  1. Zach Hale Avatar

    Looks beautiful and sounds like a wonderful place. 🙂

  2. virtuallybing Avatar

    Two words: street food.

  3. Taylor Davidson Avatar

    Flexible schedules FTW. Sit and listen when the urge strikes, hop on the next bus when the mind and soul won't let you sit. Not exactly the trip you have planned, but we'll see how it turns out 🙂

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