Links From This Week

What I have been reading or think is interesting for this week:

How Hard Could It Be?: Thanks or No Thanks

Nau it’s time (ecofashion!)

Nau is back. Still pricey, but my favorite clothing company, besides Threadless.

Your Wish List on the Web | clearwish

Light Lane – Concept from Altitude’s Alex Tee and Evan Gant

I really, really, really want to have this.


Looks like a fantastic conference.

Judge to Bush Admin: “You Rolled the Dice…and You Lost”

All the emails have been found. A miracle.


div: cu’s premier web development club

Top Fonts of the Year

Apply to TechStars » Seed capital and mentorship for startups

Applications are open!

Welcome to the White House is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.

Word Cloud Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Speech Compared to Bush, Clinton and Reagan’s

Interesting to see the tag clouds.

Aviary – Phoenix

One of the more impressive startups out there.

The country’s new robots.txt file

A geek will appreciate. Or someone that pays attention.

Pictures: President Obama’s inauguration, as seen from space

The inauguration from space.

TimZon | Video Discussion

TimZon is the private video discussion solution for Enterprise collaboration. One of the apps I am testing out as part my pledge to use non acquired companies.






3 responses to “Links From This Week”

  1. Jerome Avatar

    Thank you for mentioning our Application. I hope that the test is going well.
    Please let us know f there is anything we can do to help in your pledge.
    Tony and Jerome (The TimZon team)

  2. Jerome Avatar

    Thank you for mentioning our Application. I hope that the test is going well.
    Please let us know f there is anything we can do to help in your pledge.
    Tony and Jerome (The TimZon team)

  3. Jerome Avatar

    Thank you for mentioning our Application. I hope that the test is going well.
    Please let us know f there is anything we can do to help in your pledge.
    Tony and Jerome (The TimZon team)

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