Links From This Week

What I have been reading or think is interesting for this week:

pinvoke – Icons and pixel fonts

Quality 10×10 and 16×16 pixel icons and pixel fonts to designers.

24 ways: 2008

Design + more daily group blog

WordPress e-Commerce Plugin a WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin by Instinct | Instinct Entertainment

WordPress e-commerce is a WordPress shopping cart plugin that is elegant, easy to use and full of great industrial strength features.

Dutch government introduces a custom typeface: Rijksoverheid

involved in the brand identity process have access to Rijksoverheid typefaces, as the project

Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop –

The idea seemed too crazy to Rod Simmons, a measured, careful field botanist. Naturalists in Arlington County couldn’t find any acorns. None. No hickory nuts, either. Then he went out to look for himself. He came up with nothing. Nothing crunched underfoot. Nothing hit him on the head.


Awkward Rules

Simple Search Engine Monitoring | AuthorityLabs

AuthorityLabs is a web-based service to help you track, analyze and report on rankings for Google, Yahoo! and Live. Easily track search engine rankings and get control of your SEO. Protect yourself from SEO fraud.

10 Tough Questions to ask Yourself Before Raising Money

Do you have a detailed and paranoid view of the competition? – Why start a business before thoroughly understanding the competitive landscape? And yet most competitive analyses fall far short. Many ignore obvious direct competitors and few deal with substitutes effectively. Be more paranoid!

Community Technology Advocate

New social media company.

Free Public WiFi

The story behind the “Free Public WiFi” you see everywhere.






3 responses to “Links From This Week”

  1. Chase Granberry Avatar

    Thanks for the link love … much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Chase Granberry Avatar

    Thanks for the link love … much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Chase Granberry Avatar

    Thanks for the link love … much appreciated ๐Ÿ˜€

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