I’m pretty vocal of my love of Crossfit, especially the great people at Crossfit Roots in Boulder. Every other month or so they do a diet challenge: eat Paleo (like a caveman) for a few weeks. Track results, compare with others, celebrate bulging muscles.
Paleo is a back to basics approach to eating. You can eat:
- Meat
- Veggies
- Fruit
That is it. So no
- Grains
- Dairy
- Sugar
It is really easy to be on. Eat food that perishes. Don’t eat food that is a scam. I should write a post about that. Eating Paleo for a few weeks makes you really think about the health of foods. Wheat, for example, can’t be eaten unless you cook it. Step back and think about that. Poison before treatment. Sound healthy?
Anyway, the group does it at the same time so you have some great motivation, pointers and jokes. About 50 did the challenge, and with everyone pitching in $25 as an entrance fee that would go to the winner the winner gets a nice pile of cash.
So the results? I went from 249 to 231. My body fat % went from 32.8% to 29.7%. BMI from 30 to 27. Waist from 45 to 41.5. Neck from 16.75 to 16.
That is a ton of weight off. But weight could just be water mass. So they also took a look at metabolic and raw strength. My metabolic conditioning test was this morning, a 20 minute ‘as many rounds as possible’ of a 200m run, 5 pullups, 10 kettle bell swings and 15 pushups. The first round I did just over 8 rounds, today I did just over 9.
This challenge was a partner challenge, and Tara was my choice to have the best shot of bringing home the sugar free bacon. She did an amazing job and was a super fun partner to have to reach out to for those down days where you would kill a small mammal for some rice.
So crossfit and paleo pretty much have me sold.
As my ‘I’m not on paleo anymore’ meal today, I ate paleo.
Going to continue this for a while more. Would love to be at a 215 race weight for Ironman Arizona in November. Stronger and leaner everyday!
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