Record Monsters

Record Monster Logo Original
Logo by Anthony Dimitre


New projects are super fun.  Matthew Wettergreen and I met up at SXSW and talked about doing a project together.   99% of projects are the team and I have a horrible habit of going it alone.  When he showed me a prototype for this, I was blown away.  RecordMonsters is the project.  Take vinyl records, laser cut them and pop out the pieces that can be assembled to be dinosaurs and other creatres.  Pretty dang fun.

We need your help.  We put the project up on KickStarter and need some early orders to help us purchase the equipment we need to do this safely.  It runs about $30 a record and they make world class gifts.  Please check them out and share the link on facebook and twitter. It means a lot.  KickStarter has been flakey this week, so keep trying if it down!

The best part of the project has been working with Matthew.  He will send my emails late at night like “WE HAVE STEGOSAURUS” with the attached image.

Record Monsters


Thanks to the coverage by Not CoolDude CraftTrendHunter and Make.






3 responses to “Record Monsters”

  1. ginevra Avatar

    so. awesome.

  2. Grant Avatar

    dimitre ftw, as usual.

  3. NULL Avatar

    He is so good.

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