TBEX Keynote Mention


Thanks to C.C. Chapman for the TBEX (A travel blogger conference) keynote mention of This Book is About Travel!

It is all about the content and how it connects with your community.  How do you make both better?  C.C.’s book is “Content Rules” and you can buy it from Amazon here.


photo by Dave Cynkin






2 responses to “TBEX Keynote Mention”

  1. C.C. Chapman Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this and pointing people to the book.

    For context, the reason I mentioned the book is I wanted to show travel writers other ways they could leverage the content they were creating beyond words and I used your book as a self-publishing story that anyone could do if they wanted to.

    If anyone wants to see all the slides from the deck, I’ve posted them at http://www.slideshare.net/cc_chapman/amazing-things-will-happen-when-your-content-rules-13368312

  2. andrewhyde Avatar

    Fantastic, thanks for the mention and the linked slide deck.

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