Colorado Leeds School of Business Application

I’m applying to the Colorado Leeds School of Business for grad school.  I think they are fantastic.  As part of the application, they request you submit something creative:

At Leeds we live and work in one of the most entrepreneurial communities in the country and we foster an environment where creative people spur economic growth and innovation. Creativity is one of the many factors in the admission process that helps us to select the brightest, most talented and diverse candidates each year. That being said, we would like to challenge your creativity.

Pretty cool thing to have on an application, right?

It had me thinking. I’m big on openness and community. Could I have the surrounding community do short recommendations for me on my blog, twitter, brightkite etc?

I can use your help right now! Can you leave a comment on this blog, with a short recommendation on why I should get in and go to CU for grad school? I’m hoping for 100 comments in the next few hours. 

Also, if you are on twitter, hit reply and use #CU as the hashtag? ex @andrewhyde would be great at #CU because…

I’m submitting this URL in my application.  Which brings me to the second audience I am writing this post for:

A message to the nice admission folks at CU:


Welcome to my blog.  Below are some friends that I have helped out, interacted with or met online that recommend that you accept me.  Please take a look at who they are, and what they have to say.  This is an open forum.  No moderation is taking place.

There are also comments on twitter.  And BrightKite.  And Flickr.

Thanks for taking the time to look around.

Andrew Hyde


81 responses to “Colorado Leeds School of Business Application”

  1. gruen Avatar

    Dear CU–

    Andrew's certainly good at getting his name (and others' names) out there– it's because he's pretty damn creative in his approach.

    In fact, I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of Andrew; he's already put on at least one event I know about at your University. I flew in from NYC to attend.

    All the best–


  2. Jennifer Mayer Avatar
    Jennifer Mayer

    Beside being “the best neighbor ever” and a really great guy, Andrew is one of the most innovative and creative people I have met. Over the past four years I have seen his dedication and high wok ethic demonstrated through the businesses and community events he has created and engaged in. Andrew would be an excellent addition to CU.

  3. electromute Avatar

    Andrew's presence on social media (blog, twitter stream, bright kite check-ins) pretty much sums up the wealth of creativity, knowledge and follow-through he has.

    He's always got a million ideas, and even better, actually implements them.

    He's not one of those people that forges ahead alone. Rather, he brings together a community of folks who in turn make the ideas grow and develop.

    He would be the perfect addition to any business school and Leeds will be lucky to have such a wonderful community builder in their program.

  4. strebel Avatar

    Andrew Is the internet.

    Seriously though.

    I can only add “creative, bright, motivated, and smart” to his list of accolades. His credentials speak for themselves.

  5. Steve Poland Avatar

    Andrew is a super bright guy. I've known him for a couple years now. He started Startup Weekend, which I just found fascinating — and joined his outings of it in Toronto and NYC. He's smart and has great feedback on anything; he's passionate about startups. Very down to earth, easy going, and I know he's got big plans for his life — and making an impact on society (helping others and our environment). If Andrew were to choose you for graduate school, you'd be making out on the deal. Andrew is a connector — he knows pretty much everyone in tech and he's going to do big things (and I know he'd love to help out future students in years to come post-grad school).

  6. Dan Corbett Avatar

    Dear CU —

    Andrew has been deeply involved with the Boulder startup scene, going so far as to start a program to help others meet, come together with ideas. and generally get past the inertia to try a startup ( I have run into him at a few other events in the Boulder area; he has always been great at encouragement and facilitating ideas. Additionally as a present student in the MBA program at CU, I believe Andrew would be an excellent fit with the program.

    – Dan

  7. Erica OGrady Avatar

    Dear CU,

    There are two people in my life that I am certain will end up on the cover of Time Magazine someday – and Andrew Hyde is one of them. I first met Andrew at SXSW in 2007, and my initial reaction was here's a guy I need to watch. So, when he asked me to fly out to Boulder a couple months later for his first StartupWeekend – I immediately said yes.

    Andrew is a visionary, a thought leader, an entrepreneur, and an amazing community builder. But more importantly – even with the incredible amount of success he's achieved at such a young age – he's the most humble guy I know. You'll kick yourself later if you don't admit him to CU!

    -Erica O'Grady

  8. Erin Kotecki Vest  Avatar

    Dear CU,

    You would be remiss not to accept Andrew into your program. First of all, we're idiots for asking you to, because that means he will spend less time in the community thinking up all the cool things he things up…but… you'd be gaining his talent.

    You can't pass that up, can you?


  9. Aaron Avatar

    Andrew is a rockstar. And I love him. It's not because he's hot or that I'm into that kind of thing. It's just that he's got this incredible energy, and he uses it for good every where he goes. I'm sure I've said this better somewhere else / some other time. Consider this a tribute to that better commendation, wherever it is.

  10. jonathanpberger Avatar

    Dear CU,

    Andrew smuggled a unicorn into his the panel he was speaking on at 2008's SXSW. If that's not ingenuity, CU should be actively recruiting I don't know what is. Not only should you admit Andrew, but you should give him a full ride and a stipend to TA.

    <img src=”” alt=”” width=”” height=”” border=”0″ />

    I know! I thought unicorns were extinct too.


  11. nancy compton Avatar
    nancy compton

    Colorado Leeds School of Business:

    Andrew Hyde knows how to bring ideas and concepts into reality. He has spearheaded and facilitated sell out events that provide a platform for the sharing of new ideas / concepts and exposure for entrepreneurs.

    Andrew’s approach of inclusion has elevated an already vibrant local tech scene beyond its own community into the broader community of Boulder. His efforts have created a draw for out of town talent to make the move to our fair city. I believe his contributions also promote interest in our youth to learn more about what is coming next in technology and to become the start-up founders of the future. All good for this little place we call home.

    Shooting for Andrew’s acceptance into the graduate program!

    Nancy Compton

  12. nancy compton Avatar
    nancy compton

    Colorado Leeds School of Business:

    Andrew Hyde knows how to bring ideas and concepts into reality. He has spearheaded and facilitated sell out events that provide a platform for the sharing of new ideas / concepts and exposure for entrepreneurs.

    Andrew’s approach of inclusion has elevated an already vibrant local tech scene beyond its own community into the broader community of Boulder. His efforts have created a draw for out of town talent to make the move to our fair city. I believe his contributions also promote interest in our youth to learn more about what is coming next in technology and to become the start-up founders of the future. All good for this little place we call home.

    Shooting for Andrew’s acceptance into the graduate program!

    Nancy Compton

  13. Shannon Paul Avatar

    Andrew Hyde not only has great hair, but he works really hard at helping other people succeed and that's really cool.

    A lot of people in this world are simply out for themselves, but not Andrew. In addition to working with TechStars, he founded Startup Weekend as a means of helping people everywhere establish communities that foster entrepreneurship and innovation. How cool is that? And, he did it without a graduate degree. Imagine what a big, fancy education from the Colorado Leeds School of Business could do for him and the world!!!

  14. robjohnson Avatar

    hey cu –

    there are hundreds of people who gather monthly at the law school to discuss new emerging technology in the boulder/denver community. this gathering is exploding. it's just started an offshoot monthly meeting in denver. the boulder one “sells out” immediately after opening and now even the overflow rooms are full. it's a huge statement about the strength of the boulder tech community.

    while this is the success of the entire boulder community, there are a handful of people whose work has had an outsized influence on creating this environment. if you were to build that list of people, every one of them would tell you to put andrew on there.

  15. georgegsmithjr Avatar

    Dear CU —

    In your application, you mention how Leeds is located in one of the most entrepreneurial communities in the country. At the heart of that community are many great individuals – among them is Andrew Hyde.

    I won't go into detail about his resume because I'm sure you have a copy of that. What I want to discuss is something that may slip through the cracks in that resume – implied in his many activities but maybe not something that would get lost during a quick glance or over-shadowed by his accomplishments. It's simply this: Andrew is the type of person that tries to make the people around him better. He is an advocate for the community Leeds calls home. He's someone that will pull you aside to offer honest advice. He is someone that – even in the promotion of his own interests and agendas – tries to elevate those around him. These are qualities that an admission staff should look for in a student – knowing full well that Andrew's creativity and passion will not only bring CU and Leeds success through association with his name, but also great success because he will help elevate and inspire his fellow students during and after his time there.

    One last thing – I think confidence is a great indicator of potential for success. How many applications out there would feel comfortable crowd-sourcing recommendations to the anonymity and void of the internet? That confidence in his ability alone should speak to the type of applicant that Andrew is. Your decision should be an easy one…

  16. stefan hartwig Avatar

    Andrew should get into CU because after everything he's done for the tech/entrepreneur community, he deserves to get something back. Everything the guy does is dedicated to helping others get a leg up. He's bright, he's dedicated, and he's one of the most genuine people I've ever met.

    You won't be disappointed.

  17. Mark Bao Avatar

    Dear CU—

    Andrew Hyde is one of the most talented entrepreneurs I've seen that I know. He is one of the most prolific members of the Boulder startup community, and I would attribute a lot of growth to his work, especially TechStars and Startup Weekend.

    Having met Andrew personally, I can say that he is an extremely knowledgeable guy… if that wasn't completely apparent from his past experience and writings on this weblog.

    Andrew isn't just a big shot in the Boulder startup community. Respected by people around the world, Andrew is one of the major movers and shakers in entrepreneurship globally.

    Best regards,
    Mark Bao

  18. Nicole Avatar

    As a CU MBA Alum – I would certainly recommend Andrew. Although I don't know him personally – I heard about his experiment for getting recommendations on Twitter. Great creativity!

    Kudos Andrew!

  19. brent Avatar

    Andrew is a big reason the Boulder startup scene isn't a scene. Boulder is unique because we view one startup's success as success for all. Why? Andrew. It's his selfless collaboration, connecting and promotion that makes everyone more successful.

    In the past couple years he's thrown himself fully into the mix and invigorated a city and an industry. Pretty heady stuff given our economic woes.

    Just as he's done for the startup scene in Boulder he will do for CU Leeds.

  20. Nick Avatar

    Dear CU-
    I met Andrew at a Startup Weekend in Bloomington, Indiana. We talked and had interesting discussions throughout the weekend and I can all but guarantee that he'll be a great addition to your school.

  21. Jameson Watts Avatar

    In many ways I've been extremely disappointed with Andrew. I am disappointed that he didn't try to sell out using the Start-up Weekend concept. I am disappointed that he refuses to settle down and focus on one idea. I'm disappointed in his unassuming, humble and distinctly un-business-like demeanor (amplified by his Conan-esque stature). I am alarmed (frankly) by his understated confidence and initiative… learn to respect-nay fear!-your elders young man. And finally, I'm seriously disappointed that he never listens to my voice mails, thus forcing me to tweet, text, upload, post or change my status just to get noticed!! I sincerely hope that all of you over at the business school can turn this misguided kid around… teach him the value of a dollar (regardless of social cost), teach him to quit questioning the status quo and for gods sake make him wear a suit! (preferably from Penny's or Target)

  22. christian briggs Avatar
    christian briggs

    Dear CU,

    By admitting Andrew to CU, you will have, in one fell swoop, added new, challenging perspectives to your program and increased your ability to build both internal and external community. I had Andrew as an undergrad student in 2003, and i would have him again.

    I would highly recommend that you do the same.

  23. Meg Avatar

    Andrew Hyde will bring three things to your community that will benefit every student who attends:

    1. A genuine love of entrepreneurship: He urges people to follow their business goals and dreams, and seeks to facilitate the process every step of the way.

    2. A genuine love of the community: Andrew is ridiculously social, but more than that, he actively pursues the stories and and ideas of those around him.

    3. A genuine love of learning — Andrew craves travel, new experiences, new perspectives, and personal growth — and encourages others to stretch their boundaries, as well.

    He'll inspire you if you let him — and by accepting him into your class, you'll give him that opportunity.

  24. Gavin Doughtie Avatar
    Gavin Doughtie

    I met Andrew at two of the startup weekends in 2007, and he co-presented a half-day workshop with me at OSCON, the Open-Source conference, last year. I spoke about technical approaches to startup weekends, but Andrew got a big room (100+ people including Tim O'Reilly) excited about and working together on their own projects. And, he made it all seem easy and fun.

  25. brianlburns Avatar

    CU. What's Up?

    Andrew is already a respected worldwide voice in the entrepreneurial community. Accepting him — and using his voice — will help you grow your program. Him attending your program — and using your tools — will help him grow into a better entrepreneur (presumably). It seems like these mutually beneficial relationships are what you're after… so I figure it'd be a good move.

    Accept Andrew. Expect Greatness.

  26. Chris Pitre Avatar

    Dear CU,

    Andrew's smart. He knows a lot of things. But that's not why you should accept him. In fact, that's probably why you shouldn't accept a few others. Anyway, it's Andrew's passion and curiosity that completely validate his candidacy to your school. If you pride yourself on the entrepreneurial community you foster and the innovation you spark, admitting Andrew just makes sense.

    It's not with lofty words or eloquent metaphors that I beseech you, but it's with Andrew's rare talent, endless network, cunning wit, diversified experience, undying creativity, and compelling mind that I urge you to admit him. It was because of Andrew that I became better connected with my local community in Houston. Yes, it's odd that someone from Denver brought me closer to my Houston 'peeps,' but it's insanely true. His Startup Weekend stop in Houston completely opened my eyes to the tech community here and the larger web sphere.

    What better testament to your program than to admit someone who lives your mission? I can only imagine that it would further it greatly. While I wish I could wave a magic wand and help him bypass this process, I hope that you see the outpouring and reach Andrew has achieved this early in his career and life. Actually, some might call this outpouring a 'magic wand,' as how many others could get a diverse group of people from around the world to do respond in this magnatude? I'll answer that for you: not many.

    I'll leave you with this: I'd rather have one person with a magic wand in my camp than 100 people without it any day. 😉 Do the right thing. Keep hope alive. Admit Andrew Hyde.

    Chris Pitre

  27. dimitris Avatar

    I guess the ingenuity of this very post and of rattling up tens of mini- (or not so mini-) references with a few sentences i.e. having a maximum impact with minimum effort confirms why he should be accepted and reminds me of the impression I got from AH when I met him in Athens, Greece during the Startup Weekend he helped organise there. He’s a creative enabler – someone who gets things done by understanding new situations and allowing them to work for him.

  28. Jason Cohen Avatar

    Just being associated with TechStars is enough reason to accept Andrew. You learn more, see more, and do more at little startups than any other kind of business.

    Andrew not only thinks constantly and deeply about issues of design, business, and conduct, he uses this blog (among other things) to spread the word to others.

    On more than one occasion his words have caused me to think or rethink a position. That's a complement in itself.

    It's hard to imagine how accepting Andrew would NOT improve the quality of work and discussion at CU!

  29. Jenn Fields Avatar

    For chrissakes this is clever of Andrew. I don't know whether you've already made a decision, CU, but this idea alone (and the feedback it has generated) is enough to prove he's a worthy candidate for a program for entrepreneurs. And give him a TA position in a course on using social media for business!

  30. Orn Avatar

    Nice one Andrew, how could they not accept you, that would be Epic fail. Nough said….

    Keep up the good work, when is next Ignite Boulder again ?


  31. PRoales Avatar

    I have had the pleasure of knowing Andrew Hyde for over three years now, first working with him on one of the very first Startup Weekend events and since on a number of projects.

    Andrew will freely admit he is not the best designer in the world, creativity if you were to define creativity in a very traditional manner – logo's, graphics, artwork. Andrew does produce good design work and his photography has been improving, but this is not really where Hyde excels.

    Where Hyde excels is in the application of creativity into a very large number of unique areas. From the creation of a marketing plan for a startup with no money, to the development of a modern business model, Andrew Hyde brings creativity to whatever he does. Driven by enthusiasm, a willingness to experiment – “fail fast” as he puts it, and raw talent Andrew creates a unique angle on everything he does.

    The creative spark can be addictive but it is never enough and so I am happy that Hyde does not just stop there. The long hours, and up against great odds work ethic of the startup life, is ingrained deep into Hyde and it helps the creative works he produces to become something more, something that impacts the world communities around him.

    Paul Roales
    Pearl Street Venture Funds

  32. Carmel Avatar

    CU –

    No offense, but I'm shocked to hear that Andrew is hoping to attend grad school. Last time I checked, similarly-minded creative people were ditching out on formal education to form silly companies like Apple.

    Andrew – are you sure this is what you want?

  33. brentspore Avatar

    Andrew more than fits the profile for the type of student you are looking for. Innovative, Entrepreneurial, Creative, highly gifted and skilled.

    This should be a easy decision for you guys. DO IT! 🙂

  34. Brian Cary Avatar

    Andrew is an inspiration to young innovators and community builders. His work has reached far and wide, and his positive contributions to Colorado Leeds School of Business will be great, I am sure.

  35. Hans Avatar

    Looking back on my own MBA experience, I learned as much from fellow students as I did from professors and course materials. Andrew will be the type of student all others in the program will benefit from.

  36. Elaine Ellis Avatar

    Colorado Leeds School of Business:

    Andrew Hyde would be an excellent addition to your business school. What I admire most about Andrew is that he sees what needs to be done – at work or in the community – and he simply gets it done. It's a rare trait to see.

    I've also had the pleasure to work with Andrew on TechStars and appreciate his passion and commitment to not only TechStars but the greater Boulder community leader. There is no project that Andrew does not hesitate to tackle. In a few short months, he helped create one of the best attended events in the city – Boulder Ignite.

    I know colleges look for well roundedness and leadership, and no one exemplifies these two traits more then Andrew. I really hope you accept Andrew because if he were to attend another school, it would be a huge loss to our Boulder community.

  37. johne_squarestate Avatar

    If there's a next big thingy in the internet it's likely going to come out of Andrew Hyde's head. Business school would actually help make such a hypothetical project take off.

  38. DebKolaras Avatar

    Dear Leeds School of Business,

    You have before you a candidate that embodies the sense of entrepreneurialism in the best possible form you could ask for: by combining a keen business sense with an engaged consideration of the best possibilities, he empowers and inspires everyone in his wake.

    Accomplishments are one thing, and while he has many, one only need sit with Andrew for a moment to see that at the heart of his work is a simple concept: how it will strengthen the people and community around him. Your students, staff and our community on the whole would not only be the benefactors of what he'll do next, but also, the emboldened, positive influence he'll impart on all those around him.

    He chooses to come to Leeds – but rest assured, any school would be thrilled to add him into their student body. You'd be lucky to call him one of your own.

    Deb Kolaras
    Boulder, Colorado

  39. Dar Coumans Avatar
    Dar Coumans

    Dear CU Leeds School of Business:

    I am acquainted with Andrew Hyde digitally. His contribution to the entrepreneurial community and the ongoing consistency of his participation speak to a high degree of personal integrity and ethics as well as a native intelligence and natural leadership. Andrew is capable of great things. He will be an strong asset to any institution that chooses his participation for many years to come. His roots in the Boulder start-up community make Leeds an ideal choice, where he can leverage his current connections and accomplishments. I highly recommend including Andrew Hyde in your programme.

    Yours very sincerely,

    Dar Coumans
    Digital Village

  40. jennyjenjen Avatar

    Dear CU,

    As a CU student myself, and having known Andrew for four years, I can't think of a better place for Andrew, nor can I think of a better candidate for your graduate program.

    Simply put, Andrew has used his creativity to combine entrepreneurship and community in a way that I have never before seen. Wherever Andrew has gone, he has made the same kind of positive, refreshing and innovative impact on that community as he has accomplished in Boulder. I'm proud to have been able to get to know him, and you will be, too.

    Jennifer Newell

  41. JenConsalvo Avatar

    Dear CU,

    Andrew is one of those people you look forward to seeing at all industry events because of his enthusiasm for the start-up community and his unique, creative perspective on… well, everything. His passion for entrepreneurship and new experiences is contagious. There is no doubt he will be an exceptional addition to the Leeds School of Business.

    And after reading this page, it would clearly be an embarrassment not to have Andrew as part of your program.


  42. Cameron_R Avatar

    Dear Leeds,

    It is absolutely clear in my mind why you should accept Andrew Hyde – he has a massive posse of concerned startup denizens prepared to storm the Koebel building if he isn't accepted. Not only do you have an army of Boulderites to contend with, but also all of his numerous supporters around the world.

    See those 7,000+ followers he has on twitter? Now imagine them with pitchforks, ripping up the lovely Engebretson Quad. Not a pretty sight. This is worse than a zombine invasion – you simply can't run faster than the well trained, athletic Boulderites who love and admire Andrew.

    As an undergrad in the Leeds School of Business, I would really rather not see such a horde of Andrew-worshipers descend on my lovely school should you not matriculate Mr. Hyde. Can you take that risk? I think not.

    Cameron Robertson

  43. Gregg Tobo Avatar

    Andrew is simply brilliant.

    Already he has established himself as one of the drivers behind Boulder's entrepreneurial community and new economic growth.

    He understands how openness and community are reshaping the business world.

    If you are looking for a candidate ready to rock the world with innovation and creativity, Andrew should be at the top of your list.

  44. smazurov Avatar

    Hello CU.

    Andrew Hyde has demonstrated time and time again his ability to adapt and try new things. He went from a designer (an awesome one at that) working for one of most demanding and successful marketing agencies to starting successful businesses at the back of coffee shops. All along the way and now more than ever Andrew manages to do amazing things for our Boulder and worldwide entrepreneurial communities with a movement he has begun with Startup Weekend. Now nearly every week one happens somewhere in the globe where people come together and create a business from scratch in 3 days. There is not a better candidate for your well-respected Graduate Program.

    I hope you can dedicate some time to look deeper into Andrews application in hopes that you will be able to see what he has accomplished and see the potential that everyone commenting here has already seen.

    Thank you for your time,
    Stepan Mazurov

  45. Susan  Avatar

    Dear CU,

    Andrew is one of the smartest, most creative, and most innovative people I know. He craves challenge in his life, has an innate ability to lead others, and has spent years acquiring entrepreneurial experience that will allow him to begin your program with an incredible foundation of experience.

    He is also fiercely loyal. I am confident that if your program teaches him something, he will reciprocate by helping the program identify other promising candidates, adding to the school's connections in the local tech community, raising the profile of the program, and by teaching his classmates and professors as much as they teach him.

  46. Derrell Durrett Avatar
    Derrell Durrett

    To the Leads School of Business:

    Andrew Hyde is possibly the most dynamic individual I have ever met, and since I was a graduate student in Physics at CU when Carl Weiman was a new member of the faculty, I think that's saying something. He is constantly engaged with the people around him in trying to create an environment that maximizes everyone's contribution to the endeavor at hand.

    In my experience, the best students for any school are those from whom the other students will learn as much as they will from the faculty. Andrew's experience (he's possibly started more companies than I've worked for), and the other testimonials on this site, should leave you with no question as to the value he will bring. Accepting Andrew's contributions will bring attention to the Leeds School of Business even before he has you renaming it the Hyde-Leeds School of Entrepreneurial Endeavors.

    Derrell Durrett
    Ph.D., Physics, 1993

  47. Brandon Whalen Avatar

    Dear CU Admissions,

    Andrew opened my eyes to the true meaning of community. He is absolutely selfless in everything he does. His projects all operate around the idea of building strong communities. In Boulder he is constantly putting on events that 200 people working in Boulder will attend. His following is genuinely build around his enthusiasm toward life.

    He would, without a doubt, bring the same enthusiasm to CU. It is an attitude that is infectious and he would certainly affect the people around him to bring the same attitude.

    Brandon Whalen
    Social Community Manager
    Room 214
    Boulder, CO
    [email protected]

  48. gist Avatar

    Hello Colorado Leads School of Business.

    Andrew is all of the above, awesome, smart and the internet. He is.

    From a personal stand point, quite simply put, I appreciate Andrew most for his honest perspective on things. He knows his facts from his opinions and can use each together in well-poised, intelligent conversation. That's a great trait to have and invaluable for friendship and business.

    You'll be glad you accepted him.

  49. Rachel Renee Avatar

    Dear Diary,

    I have a confession, and I know I can tell you. I've secretly always wanted Andrew Hyde to be in the Colorado Leeds School of Business. Ever since the day I met him I've known that he is all business. For example, remember that time I went with him on that trip? We flew Business! I'm telling you, business is his thing! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that he gets in. I'll keep you posted. Until next time….

    Yours Truly,
    Rachel Renee

  50. Tom Keller Avatar

    Dear CU

    Andrew has been a substantial creative force in the Boulder and national entrepreneurial ecosphere. He's repeatedly demonstrated great creativity and leadership, and his ideas are not uncommonly mimicked by others. He would be a tremendous asset to the faculty's and student community's ongoing efforts to learn about (and disseminate) entrepreneurial expertise.

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